Canada Trips and Trails

Wells Gray Provincial Park to Revelstoke

After a week of canoeing in Wells Gray Provincial Park, we're off to Revelstoke. A trip report.

Four days on a lake and several campgrounds at Wells Gray Provincial park do not really effect the personal hygiene in a positive way. Surrounded by icy water, which does not flow out of a shower and with sanitary facilities in the form of shitholes in the wood one does explore an impressive amount of new flavours and odours. Thus we decide to spent our next night at a hotel with permanently installed sanitary facilities and a working shower. Sure, a short rinse under the arm with icecold water freshens up but it does not provide the same effect a good old shower can. So we hit the road to Revelstoke.

Wells Gray Provincial Park nach Revelstoke

To get from Clearwater to Revelstoke it takes us 400 kilometers and a multi–hour car ride which allows us to enjoy the flavors previously mentioned a bit longer. But at the same time, British Columbia stunnes us with the beauty of itself: forest covered mountains in Clearwater, vast desert in Kamloops, impressive lake in Shuswap Country and the mighty mountains of the Rockies in Revelstoke. On our way we book a hotel room for the night. Upon arrival we wash of the odour, but keep the memories.

Shuswap Lake (Picture Courtesy
Picture taken from the car (including front window and smashed moths and mosquitos)


Revelstoke is one of the well-known ski resorts of B.C. Another well-known ski resort is Whistler. Knowing this our expectations were alike: vibrant village with people. And .. well ... Revelstoke is nothing like expected, except for the sanitary facilities!

The pictoresque part of this ... how do I call it without being rude ... lets say ... spot are out of our sights. To us Revelstoke is nothing but a collection of streets and houses of which only two seem to host shops and restaurants. Being the estranged city slickers we are can't stop thinking: How can you live here?

However, there was a silver lining. Google guides us ... it is 8 pm .. to the allegedly only available place to get some food. It is a restaurant situated in an old school house. This school house now hosts the restaurant and a distillery in the ground floor and start-ups on the upper level. The building itself is a disturbing mix of the Bodega Bay school and the house of Norman Batesbut without the roof. Actually the whole thing is extremely cool and we love it. And we are a bit horrified, how hipster it is and how hipster we are.
Unfortunately the restaurant has no capacity but a waiting list. So we add ourselves to it and check out the distillery ... and what can I say ... end up buying Vodka and Gin.

Picture Courtesy

Mount Revelstoke National Park/Eva Lake

Fresh from the hotel and filled from the great food at Old School Eatery we try to catch a campingspot for the upcoming night at Mount Revelstoke National Park. Mount Revelstoke offers two backcountry campgrounds with four spots each. These spots are given away on a first come first serve base in the morning for the night and only in person at the respective office. With no rush we sleep long, have breakfast at the hotel and start at around 10 am.

For the reservation of campingspots Mount Revelstoke National Park has a designated office. A young woman sits there and waits ... that is probably all she does? We are lucky and get the last available spot for the night at Eva Lake. We spend CAD 10 for the spot and CAD 10 each for the entry, since this is a National Park.

Nope, this is not the office. This is the firehouse at the summit

Mount Revelstoke National Park has a very well infrastructure. Meadows in the Sky Parkway guides us from 450 up to 1800 meters of elevation. On top people can dive into the beauty of nature using easy or moderate hiking trails.

We head out to Eva Lake using the 6 kilometer long moderate trail. The trail is amazing: alpine meadows, rocks, forest, waterfalls. And the lake as well is stunning with clear teal and emerald water in front of an impressive mountain and inhabited by some cute companions.

6 replies on “Vom Wells Gray Provincial Park nach Revelstoke”

Sehr schön und im vorletzten Bild gibts die Poser Hörnchen auch noch.Toller Trip und wie immer wunderschöne Natur.

Ja von den kleinen Kameraden gab es einige. Die kamen auch relativ nah. Aber waren immer so schnell wieder weg wie sie dran waren. Daher gibt es keine Nahaufnahmen.

Hallo ihr beiden, ich brauche euch nicht schreiben, wie atemberaubend diese Bilder sind und welche Stimmung dadurch zu mir transportiert wird … Danke jedenfalls fürs (Mit-) Teilen dieser Berichte und Bilder, lese immer wieder gerne hier. Grüße, Tom

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