Prior to the Renovation
When we bought the Condo in 2019, one thing was clear: sooner or later, the master bathroom will be replaced. The found initial situation is quite functional and also captivates with a cotton-wool charm. But still, it does not quite meet our expectations.
Admittedly, the oversized mirror on the wall and also the large light fixture with the globe bulbs are pretty terrific. Therefore, I have also made it my goal to keep these two features in the new bathroom. If that is somehow possible. Because after the debacle with the demolition of the kitchen cabinets, we expect no good. To our surprise, the bathroom cabinets could be removed from the wall quite easily and fortunately did not affect the mirror.
During the Renovation
Finally, in January 2021, construction begins. Our trusted a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">contractor Justin takes over and soon the shreds fly and the drywall and the old tiles and dust - lots of dust and dust. In the meantime, the whole thing looks like this:
By the way, the removal of the floor tiles gives us and the surrounding neighborhood a lot of pleasure. One had apparently wanted to prepare for eternity when installing the floor tiles and worked with industrial glue and holy water. However, it turns out promptly that this combination can withstand neither Justin nor impact hammer and a lot of sweat and effort.
Some time later, the necessary leveling compound is spread and the floor is ready for the new tiles. And the shower tray is also waiting to finally take its place. To save space, we decided to use a sliding door to access the bathroom. In the picture below right you can already see the preparation for this sliding door.
A short time later, also the walls are covered with drywall and mudded. Especially the mudding and the accompanying sanding of the walls produces an unimaginable amount of dust particles. But the effort is always worth it, because shortly after that the walls are the tiles from Vantile Ltd. And honestly: As soon as the tiles are in place the whole room looks different.
Master-Bedroom and Walk-in
In contrast to the work in the bathroom, the remodeling work in the master bedroom is less spectacular. The carpet can be removed without any problems and the walls also require surprisingly little attention. The ceiling requires the most effort. The popcorn ceiling, which is very popular in North America, becomes a smooth ceiling. And the walk-in also gets a RiTiCoLo-style makeover.
Speaking of effort: One or the other may have noticed the mural that discreetly decorates the bedroom wall. This is a so-called stick-and-peel wallpaper, so a self-adhesive wallpaper. As soon as one removes the back of the wallpaper, this connects to everything, which is in the same room. This includes human hair, textiles and the back of the rest of the wallpaper. Although the wallpaper also considers to go on the wall, it does not have the top position in the adhesive priority.
All in all, the attachment of this wallpaper is accompanied by all sorts of swear words and curses. I strongly assume that this will have a similar effect as holy water and industrial glue and this mural will thus hold for eternity. Or just until a Justin comes with hammer and use and solves them with sweat use.
After the Renovation
What can you say at the end of such a renovation. It was definitely worth it, and massively so. The change is breathtaking and we feel very comfortable with it. We have probably also increased the value of the property, but that only happened incidentally and by accident.