Cabin update April 2022: The motorhome has to go out and the platform has to go in. But everyone knows that in the end it always comes differently than you expect.
Demolition, Homework and some Problems

Cabin update April 2022: The motorhome has to go out and the platform has to go in. But everyone knows that in the end it always comes differently than you expect.
The demolition work is progressing. The challenge now is to sell the components that are still usable. Will that work out?
Am langen Februar-Wochenende (Family Day) packen wir unseren MINI und fahren zu unserem Grundstück an der Upper Sunshine Coast. Nachdem alle Formalitäten erfolgreich hinter uns liegen und auch die grobe Planung von der Cabin steht, heißt es nun: Abriss. YVR to Sunshine Coast Um nach Powell River zu gelangen, ist man auf zwei BC Ferries […]