It's amazing what you can accomplish in a few weekends. During the construction of our Cabin at the Upper Sunshine Coast we made it from concrete piers to a finished subfloor.
Concrete piers
Lastly, we had cleared the building site of all flora with the newly acquired pressure washer and handed it over to Muffin-Jim. He was to erect 15 concrete piers on which we will then build the platform and eventually the whole house. As expected, Muffin-Jim delivered. We are thrilled.
So now it's our turn. The subfloor is needed. Subfloor means: support beams, joists and finally OSB boards. If we do everything right, this will be a horizontal level on which we can lay wood flooring and put up walls.
The support beams are installed on the concrete piers. There are a total of four support beams on which the house will sit. We use three boards each that are 2 inches wide, 10 inches high, and 12 or 16 feet long. These are nailed together and screwed to the concrete piers in the end.
The next layer on top of the beams are the joists. As you can see, both the beams and the joists are placed on edge. This looks strange, but it is incredibly stable.
The footprint of our cabin is something like a square. This will be divided into two rectangles of approximately equal size. One will be the main house with living room, kitchen and office loft. The other will be divided in two and provide space for patio and bedroom.
OSB Boards
So the skeleton is finished. What is still missing now are the floor panels that finally turn the whole framework into the subfloor. The subfloor is made of OSB boards. They measure 4 by 8 feet each and are glued and nailed to the joists.
Now the next step will be the building and placing of the walls, then roofing and finally insulation - in the wall and the floor and the roof. Since we are currently ahead of schedule, we hope to get the whole thing weather tight before the end of the year. Fingers crossed!

Cabin Playlist
Music is Emotion. Music holds Memory. This is the soundtrack for the build of our Cabin at the Upper Sunshine Coast.
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